Please excuse him, he is new at this…



Living in Gibraltar means that in order to see my family, I am quite frequently On The Move. The photo above is of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Southern Spain, taken on one of my many flights home. I love travelling, in particular flying, and would do far more of it if I could afford it!! Not so my Littley, it is his idea of hell, as can be seen from the photos below, when he reluctantly joined me on this trip!!

Iain hates travellimg

Rather than soaking up the atmosphere and view, he just slept at every available opportunity!!


In order to make the travelling more palatable, I booked first class seats on the train. Littley insisted on wearing the chair back cover over his head for the entire journey, much to the sniffy disdain of our fellow passengers!!

About Thewitch

Nikki is a half centenarian, an eternal teenager, and mother of four geniuses. In her previous incarnation, she was a famous Parisian courtesan, and witch, thus explaining her habit of talking to the moon in french. Due to her inability to control her thought/speech processes, she writes about life, love, laughter and anything else that happens to spill out. Those of a strong constitution can read more on her About page.

22 responses »

    • I had to laugh!! I knew things weren’t off to a good start in the departure lounge, when he commented that travelling combined his two most hated things, waiting, and other people!!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Really like the photo of those rugged mountains! I always get a window seat on a plane so I can take pictures. So interesting to see a different landscape than what I am used to seeing. I usually see green hills and valleys and rivers here.

    Looks like your son enjoyed the journey. 🙂


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: On the Move (Snail) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: On the Move (escalators) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

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