Yep, That About Sums Me Up



Saw this earlier on today, and thought “They must have met me!!” My fragrant mother despairs!!

About Thewitch

Nikki is a half centenarian, an eternal teenager, and mother of four geniuses. In her previous incarnation, she was a famous Parisian courtesan, and witch, thus explaining her habit of talking to the moon in french. Due to her inability to control her thought/speech processes, she writes about life, love, laughter and anything else that happens to spill out. Those of a strong constitution can read more on her About page.

14 responses »

    • Isn’t it just perfect?!! I have one that a friend gave me that says “just because I swear doesn’t mean I’m impolite. I always say ‘please’ before telling people to fuck off!!
      She knows me well!!


      • I grew up with a father who swore like no one I’ve ever met. My friends were freaked to visit in case he blew a spazz about something. I come by my habit very honestly although I’ve toned ‘er down a notch or two in my older age……lol 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t swear all the time, but there is nothing that gets it said better than a heartfelt Fuck Off!! The fact that I have a ridiculously plummy english accent somehow makes it better, and adds to the shock value!!


      • I know what you mean. It just gets the frustration out with any situation. That must be funny to hear with your accent! I’d like to hear it!


      • One of my favourite pieces of trivia is the origin of the word. Many theories, but the one that appeals to me dates from the first official policemen in England, known as Peelers, because Sir Robert Peel was the Prime Minister at the time of their formation. Most of them were illiterate, and if they arrested a prostitute, she was said to have been apprehended “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge” so they just used to write the initials in their notebooks!! Love that idea!!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. My husband wants to wash my mouth out with soap sometimes. He gets frustrated when I say the F word. “you are more intelligent than that” and I say “Yes, you are correct. I know when “F” is the just the right word to express how “F’n” pissed I am.


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