

I woke.

And you were next to me,

Face soft in repose,

Lips slightly parted,

The hint of a smile dancing there.


I breathed deeply your sweet scent,

And felt my heart swell with the joy of you.


I blinked.

And you were gone.

The memory of you escaped as a single tear

That rolled down my face,

And softly kissed the corner of my mouth.


I miss you.

I love you.

About Thewitch

Nikki is a half centenarian, an eternal teenager, and mother of four geniuses. In her previous incarnation, she was a famous Parisian courtesan, and witch, thus explaining her habit of talking to the moon in french. Due to her inability to control her thought/speech processes, she writes about life, love, laughter and anything else that happens to spill out. Those of a strong constitution can read more on her About page.

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